Rattan raw material
After harvesting the rattan must be further processed. Leaf remains and dirt are manually removed by washing, before being dried in the sun. During this process the first quality selections take place by dividing material in harder and softer material.
After this process some of the material is ready for direct use, for instance weaving in baskets, carpet beaters and other basic products.
However, basic products require a different type and quality of rattan. For example for the production of baskets a softer and lighter type of rattan is required, where as a harder and tougher flexible rattan is required for the production of carpet beaters. These are just two examples of the boundless purposes of our customers.
Another part of the material is being reselected for further production into semi-finished products.
Because of our long experience in the raw material of rattan we can advise you choosing the right material for the fabrication of your products. We invite you to contact us for any queries regarding rattan raw material.